Port Forward from Head Office SonicWALL to Host at Remote Branch over Site to Site IPSEC

This document has been created to document the configuration in order to create a port forward through head office to a host at a remote site connected via IPSEC VPN through the SonicWALL.
The reasoning for not port forwarding direct from the remote site firewall/router is that the remote site uses a 3G/4G modem to connect to the internet and therefore does not have its own WAN IP address. By forwarding the port from the head office over the VPN this overcomes the problem.

TCP port 1234 needs to be forwarded to host at remote site B via the WAN IP address at site A. Site A has a static publicly routable WAN IP address. Site B has a Telstra 3G Private Network that is not publicly accessible.


NAT Configuration
In order for external (WAN) traffic to pass through the VPN, the source IP will need to be translated. In order to do this, create a new NAT rule Under Network -> NAT Policies on the SonicWALL.
Original Source: ANY
This is set to ANY so that ANY external WAN IP can access.

Translated Source: X0 IP
The source is translated to the IP of the X0 interface which is so it can transverse the site to site IPSEC VPN tunnel.

Original Destination:
The host at the remote site (Site B) IP address is – because of the source NAT translation the traffic will appear to come from over the VPN.

Translated Destination: Original
No destination translation is required, so Original is selected.

Original Service:  TCP 1234
TCP 1234 is the destination port for the desired port forward.

Translated Service: Original
No service translation is required, so Original is selected.

Firewall Configuration
In order for traffic to come in from WAN over the VPN a WAN->VPN Firewall Policy will need to be added. Under Firewall-> Access Rules add a new policy from WAN->VPN per below


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